Cairns, John Posted: 3/3/2009 3:40:43 PM
Class of 1944
When I turned in my annual report to Virginia Tech I was surprised to see I had 1589 publications with 4 in press and 2 in review.The 4 in press were just published and the 2 in review are now in press ; total 1595. It is possible that I may reach 1600 in 2009.I may celebrate reaching that number although it is the journey that is important— not the destination.That journey began in 1940 at the AZ house although WW2 delayed my first journal article until 1953. My companion of 64 years,Jeannie,made the journey possible by sharing the financial stress of graduate school and my absence during years of field trips.We spent 33 happy summers when our entire family was at either Rocky Mt. Biological Lab. or the Univ.Michigan Biological Station. I recommend the trip to present undergraduates.
Cairns, John Posted: 11/6/2007 3:17:25 PM
Class of 1944
Like most residents of assisted living homes I have limited mobility.I walk a mile once or twice daily when the weather is good–with the aid of a walker of course.Fortunately I can still write and publish . Books,journal articles , and commentaries are at .Some recent titles are:1.Sustainable evolution,2.Phantom land and ghost slaves: Humankind’s addiction to fossil energy,3.Living on an alien planet,4.Decalogue for a planet in imminent peril,5.Are we asking the right questions to guide our decent from the 2007 oil peak? All are on the Home Page or under Recent Publications and Commentaries.When I was at Alpha Zeta I never dreamed I would have a publication but I just reached 1551which includes 5 in press and 3 submitted.Warm regards to all,John Cairns 44.
Cairns, John Posted: 12/14/2006 4:13:32 PM
Class of 1944 Posted by an administrator
My 63rd book should be on-line this summer at click ESEP books. It’s free!
Cairns, John Posted: 12/14/2006 4:13:32 PM
Class of 1944
am recovering from four compression fractures of the spine and decided to move to an assisted living apartment in our retirement village. Jean is in a nursing home in the village a quarter of a mile from the apartment. I have a den where my writing continues. Latest internet paper
Warner, David Posted: 12/14/2006 4:13:32 PM
Class of 1946
After leaving Penn State in 1946, I spent 4 years in orestry (Washington State, Yakima Indian Reservation) and then 33 years in the trucking business. Retired to Hershey Pa in 1983 (my wife’s home town) We are both in reasonable health considering that we have reached that proverbial “”four score”” in age. The only AZ’s whom I have seen are Tom Church (deceased a couple of years ago) and Fred Fleishman. Had several visits with Tom and Polly when they lived in Quarryville, Pa The past 22 years of retirement have gone by quickly. Love to volunteer. The library and our township parks keep me busy year round. Got to use some of that forestry background in establishing a 2 mile nature trail and encouraging a tree planting program in Derry Township Tried to Contact Johnny Cairns (1944) via e-mail but haven’t had a reply yet. Any other “”40’s”” AZ’s out there who would like to reminisce?? Dave Warner 1946
Cairns, John Posted: 12/14/2006 4:13:32 PM
Class of 1944
My home page is
Cairns, John Posted: 12/14/2006 4:13:32 PM
Class of 1944
I am recovering slowly from four spinal compression fractures but walk (using a walker) two miles a day. My new book, ?Ecological and Sustainability Ethics? should be on-line (free) in October 2003 at My spouse, Jean, has endured Alzheimers/Parkinsons for five years and has been in a nursing home for two years.
Cairns, John Posted: 1/31/2012 10:25:07 AM
Class of 1944
A photo of my wife Jean and I in the early 1990’s on a mountain near Rocky Mountain Biological Lab in Colorado.
John Cairns ’44 (1060 Showalter Drive, Apt. 202 Blacksburg, VA 24060-6297; [email protected]) I have three online “work in progress” books online at 1.The Future Eaters, 2.Earth’s Biosphere in Peril, 3.My Autobiography. I can’t climb mountains or shoot rapids at nearly 89 but can still write. Progress is coming along. Some are far along, like number one has 57 chapters, the autobiography has 40+, and number three has 20.There are also three recently completed books in the Archives. There were 718 downloads of all books in the last week. Since they are all free and they can be replicated for educational purposes the number is probably much greater than the number of downloads.
I met my future wife on a double date with an AZ roommate. She sold “Sally’s Sandwiches” in Grange during the day and then was in the women’s dorm by 10 p.m. I used to get there at 9:45 p.m. on weekdays to see her for 15 minutes.
About 18 of my 65 books were published by the National Academy of Sciences Press [no royalties] and eight or nine by the American Society for Testing and Materials [no royalties] .They reach more people that way. However, royalties from “Handbook of Ecotoxicology” second edition $211.00, in 2003 were welcome.
P.S. One of my grad students, Jay Stauffer, is on the Penn State Faculty.
Cairns, John Posted: 5/4/2011 5:52:06 PM
Class of 1944
My new free”work in progress” Earth’s Biosphere in Peril” is online at .It begins with 14 power point lectures [Chapt.1],Chap t2 is titled “Threts to the Biosphere” Chapt 3 is online and 4 more chapters should be added soon.John Cairns 44