Stauffer (Baxter), Marlene Posted: 1/31/2012 10:27:24 AM
Class of 1982
Marlene Baxter Stauffer ’82 (126 Old Mill road, Barto, PA 19504; [email protected]) I work at Blommer Chocolate Company in East Greenville, PA. I am married to Brook Stauffer and we have two girls, Jordan, 21, a junior at Penn State and Haley, 15, a sophomore in High school.
Schlegel (Tallman), Nancy Posted: 3/2/2011 5:43:01 AM
Class of 1987
I am with Sterman Masser Inc. almost eleven years. My “official” title is Food Safety/Human Resources Manager. I manage the several food safety auditing schemes the company is under; as well as personnel hiring and compliance with H.R. regulations. I also continue to wear several other “hats” in the company. Every day is an adventure.
Sterman Masser Inc. recently became GLOBALG.A.P. certified. We’re pretty sure we’re the first potato grower in the U.S. to achieve this certification.
Personally, my life has had some changes. I am in the process of getting divorced. This was a painful decision but one that will be better for both of us. Cory and I remain friends.
I’d love to hear from the Fall 1986 Little Sister Pledge Class. Where are you guys??
Schlegel (Tallman), Nancy Modified: 3/2/2011 5:34:26 AM
Class of 1987
For the last three years I’ve been part of the team at Sterman Masser, Inc., a large fresh potato growing, packing and shipping operation in Sacramento, Pa. I wear several hats including the food safety program, employee “”stuff””, and quality control.
Schlegel (Tallman), Nancy Modified: 3/2/2011 5:33:53 AM
Class of 1987
I continue in my “”many hats”” roll at Sterman Masser Inc. Check out to learn about our operation.
Lutz, Keith Modified: 12/7/2010 2:20:20 PM
Class of 1980
I’ve been out of the farming business for 22 years now. Still live on the farm where my cousin now raises Shorthorn cattle for show and barrel horses. I am now a Pilot and Manager of Flight Operations for a corporation here in Pittsburgh. I married Gail from college 28 years ago and have two fine sons 19 and 22 years old. The oldest is now attending PSU for Engineering. The youngest was accepted into the US Air Force Academy. He is home on a medical sendback and intends to return in June 2011. He wants to be an Aerospace/aeronautical engineer. I finished my MBA through Embry Riddle Aeronautical Univ. It was a slow process but with everything else I have going it is the only way to go. Life has been good since AZ. A lot of good things happened at AZ. Learning to be part of a team was very important and our pledge class worked well together. One of my best memories of pledging was sneaking out of the attic during a house meeting and attacking the brothers with snowballs while they met in the living room. The Fraternity at AZ and the brotherhood made college much more than an education of books. Keith B. Lutz ’80 Oakdale, Pa [email protected]
Verbeke, Vincent Posted: 1/7/2009 1:02:00 PM
Class of 1982
Vince Verbeke joined the Board of the Mount Nittany Conservancy in 2004. He has served as the Marketing committee chair and was recently elected to serve as President of the Conservancy (
Dunn, Leo Posted: 8/26/2008 8:33:02 AM
Class of 1987
I have recently been admitted to the PA Bar and started my own solo law practice part-time.
Schlegel, Michael Posted: 12/14/2006 4:13:32 PM
Class of 1988
I started a new job in March as Post doctoral Research Associate at the University of Florida?s Department of Animal Sciences working with Disney?s Animal Kingdom Animal Nutrition Program.
Mattilio, Melissa Posted: 12/14/2006 4:13:32 PM
Class of 1988
John is busy working as a realtor selling mostly farms and land throughout PA. Melissa continues to work for Turkey Hill Dairy in marketing. More exciting – we just welcomed our 4th (and final)child to our family. Victor joined Chloe, Clare, and Dominic in March. This precipatated a couple of car purchases but we managed to duck the minivan!
Groff, Larry Posted: 12/14/2006 4:13:32 PM
Class of 1985
We are returned to Cambodia in July 2002 with Mennonite Central Committee as co-country representatives. We will be there for a five year term with our two children ages 11 & 9.
Dunn, Leo Posted: 12/14/2006 4:13:32 PM
Class of 1987
I just celebrated my 40th birthday.
Dunn, Leo Posted: 12/14/2006 4:13:32 PM
Class of 1987
My career is taking a new direction. I am currently attending Widener University Law School and have just started a new professional challenge as Assistant Director, Office of Legislative Affairs and Communications for the Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole.
Schlegel (Tallman), Nancy Posted: 12/14/2006 4:13:32 PM
Class of 1987
Where is my Little Sister Pledge Class (Fall 1986)?
Bowman, J. “Bo” Posted: 12/14/2006 4:13:32 PM
Class of 1983
After 10 years of part time study I have finally completed 2 Masters Degrees at Penn State Great Valley Campus – Masters of Management, May 1997 and Masters of Information Sciences, May 2001.
Sinden, Jamie “Jamie” Posted: 12/14/2006 4:13:32 PM
Class of 1983
Graduated from PSU, ’83 in Ag. Mech. No real jobs so went to graduate study in Florida, but ended up moving to Charlottesville, VA with my new wife. Found a job at an Ethanol Plant processing Fuel Alchohol. Eventually we totally automated the Plant, and had nothing else to do so we started our own Controls Business (CIM Associates, Inc.). Now we automate everything from steel production to food processing, even worked at the other end, automating pig manure flushing for Smithfield. Now we work for Merck, GE Fanuc, GM, Trex, you name it, and have 4 offices in Virginia! Our main office is right beside a corn field, but I miss the farms, and I rarely get near a tractor. 🙁 I live in the suburbs of UVA, and enjoy my 3 kids as much as possible! Look me up if you like! Jamie Sinden, Ag. Mech. ’83
Smith, Michael Posted: 12/14/2006 4:13:32 PM
Class of 1980
Chris (PSU ?81) and I just celebrated our 23rd wedding anniversary. I retired from the Army as a LTC with 22-plus years. I now work in the Pentagon as a support contractor on the Dept. of Army Staff (G-3). Chris and I live on 20 acres in Spotsylvania County, Va., where we?ve just started a non-profit horse rescue operation (