2009 – 2010 Honor Roll

Morrill Founders Circle ($500+)

A. Horne 1961
Thomas Brown 1974

Mode and Blue Club ($250 – $359.99)

Henry Funk 1948
Edward Plank 1948
Morris Brown 1954
Edgar Fehnel 1954
Robert Hodge 1956
Frederic Blevins 1960
Frank Resides 1962
Arthur Keen 1968
Christopher Connelly 1999

1897 Society ($189.70 – $249.99)

George Settlemyer 1938
James Case 1950
Walter Trumbauer 1957
William Haugh 1960
Charles Fowler 1975
Patricia Wolff 1978
Aaron Harpster 1996

Morrill Associates ($100 – $189.69)

John Cairns 1944
James Pierson 1948
Neil Gingrich 1949
Harvey Brown 1950
W. Schaffer 1950
Vernon Smith 1950
john bosch 1951
Clarence Fahnestock 1951
William Downs 1952
Peter Fenchak 1954
John Milsom 1954
Dale Eppinger 1955
Daniel Karg 1957
Harry Stoner 1957
Lawrence Hutchinson 1958
Roy Prescott 1958
William Wallace 1958
Foster Billheimer 1959
Samuel Minor 1960
J. Robert Nuss 1960
Max Sponseller 1960
Gary Oiler 1961
Richard Criley 1962
Albert Cartwright 1964
Glenn Gross 1964
William Wieger 1964
Jonathan Martin 1968
William Bowers 1969
Marshall Carothers 1969
Bruce Fritzinger 1970
Robert Loser 1970
Thomas Van Winkle 1971
Jay Shaffer 1973
Stephen Snyder 1973
Franklin Brown 1977
Miles Bolton 1979
Nancy Tallman Schlegel 1987
Benjamin Byers 1992
Thaddeus Will 1994
Shawn and Crystal Standish 1999
Kevin Harvatine 2001
Michael Flinchbaugh 2002
David Steinfelt 2002

Annual Dues ($50 – $99.99)

Robert Rumler 1936
Leonard Aurand 1941
Edward Buss 1943
C. Williams 1945
James Yetter 1949
Donald Griffiths 1950
James Mitchell 1950
Donald Seipt 1950
John Williams 1952
William Crawford 1953
Mahlon Shoup 1954
Francis Markland 1957
Donald Snyder 1957
Allen Shoey 1958
Wendell Hunt 1959
James Uhl 1959
William Eberhardt 1960
Joe Kunsman 1960
Robert Gilmour 1961
Frederic Rickett 1961
Darrell Hoffman 1963
Gary Minor 1963
Richard Rein 1963
Lynn Laudenslager 1964
George Seidel 1965
Paul Wolgemuth 1965
Carl Brown 1967
James Wolf 1968
David Maille 1970
William McMillen 1973
Philip Kitlinski 1975
George Wilcox 1975
Jeffery Williams 1975
Garry Pepple 1977
David Gregg 1979
Deborah Long 1983
Alan Kozak 1984
Michael Schlegel 1988
Henry Seidel 1990
Brent Baker 1993
Creedin Cornman 1994
John Rost 1996
Michael Mischna 1999
Jason and Christina Wolfe 1999
Garrett Coleman 2001