Alpha Zeta Members Make Their Mark

(Spring 2002)
Jeremiah L. Fearnley ’04, Chancellor

Here are some highlights from fall 2001 at the undergraduate Morrill Chapter.

Leadership Hotbed: Alpha Zeta ranks second H among all 57 fraternities in extracurricular activity involvement. Alpha Zetans actively took part in a wide array of student activities on Ag Hill. Many members hold high leadership positions as officers or committee chairpersons in several clubs in the Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences.

Ag Scholars: The College of Agricultural Sciences recognized several members at the Scholarship Banquet held in October. Many alumni who were at the banquet and sponsored scholarships commended those receiving awards, which will supplement the cost of tuition. We thank those alumni who have made contributions to assist these efforts.

Always Active: AZ members spent additional time with a number of projects, including participating in homecoming activities, seeking Dance Marathon (THON) donations, competing in intramural sports, doing schoolwork, interviewing for internships and permanent positions, and taking part in club activities.

Goodbye-Hello …This semester we welcomed three new brothers into the Alpha Zeta family and said good-bye to others, all of whom will quickly become leaders in their chosen fields.