
Wood, Alan “Woody” Posted: 6/5/2013 6:57:15 AM
Class of 1971

Our 1st grandchild, Katie Q. Denne, was born Feb 7th, 2 days before Alan left for a mission trip to Niger with Engineering Ministries International. Their team designed a flood wall to protect a school on the banks of the Niger River.

Goebel, David Posted: 11/15/2012 12:23:27 PM
Class of 1975 

Update from Dave Goebel ’75 still on the faculty teaching Tactics at the Army Command and General Staff College at Ft Leavenworth, Kansas. Have twins [Drew and Meg] who will graduate from high school this year, did a college visit to Kansas State University where my AZ roomate, Jeff Williams is on the faculty. Here we are, roomates from suite 6 who both live in eastern Kansas Jeff since 1980 and me since I retired from active duty in 1995.

Wood, Alan “Woody” Posted: 10/24/2012 5:22:22 PM
Class of 1971

Alan with pump repair team in Ethiopia.

Alan Wood returned to Ethiopia two more times since his last update – these times with Lifewater International. Once to help teach pump repair and again to do training on latrine construction. His wife Judy has been to Ethiopia 4 times to teach hygiene. She has also done this in Cambodia and Kenya.
The past 2 years they also did “pleasure” trips with the Penn State Alumni to Italy and China.

Harler, Curt Modified: 8/7/2012 1:37:14 PM
Class of 1972 

ECH: Uglier than ever

Life goes on but PSU ties remain. My youngest is out of college (with a broadcasting degree from Bowling Green in Ohio). She recently purchased a home about a half-mile from Margie and me.
Our oldest is in Phoenix as CFO of her firm. Next has grandfathered my three times – the boys call me “grandpa with a beard”.
I have served on the Blue Band Alumni Board and on the DAILY COLLEGIAN Alumni Board. Still rock/mountain climbing (the photo is on the Jungfrau in the Swiss Alps in July 2012) and caving. Play a lot of tennis and getting half-decent.
I get by AZ now and then…but it’s quite different these days. Isn’t everything.
Still freelancing ag and turf, environmental and computer stuff. Shoot me an email.

Maille, David Posted: 1/31/2012 10:27:11 AM
Class of 1970 

David Maille ’70 (7653 Dutton Rd. Harborcreek, Pa 16421-1117; [email protected])
I am coming up on 35 years as a soils & crops consultant in NW, PA (specializing in grapes) and actively searching for an apprentice to eventually take over the business. My wife, Andrea Nazarenko, retired from teaching 9-12 family & consumer sciences at Harbor Creek High in June and she wants to travel a little more and spend more time with our first grandchild, Cascia Linn, who is 16 months old.

A neat thing about joining AZ was getting to know a cousin, George May ’71, who grew up about ten miles away in a different school district. We pledged the same winter term (only four of us in 1969) as I had gone to Behrend for two years and he had transferred from Delaware Valley. After a career in LA, he has moved back to the home area and we see each other regularly.

Jowyk, Eugene Posted: 11/18/2011 8:22:04 AM
Class of 1972 

I retired from US Customs and Border Protection in March 2006 where I was a Program Manager for Agricultural Inspections at Headquarters my final three years. Prior to that, I was an Agricultural Inspector for USDA, APHIS, PPQ ; Port of Charleston for ten years and various other assignments before that during my 23 years with APHIS. I enjoy dancing of all kinds; am a mainstream square dancer; I shag to Carolina Beach music and also know a few line dances. I bike, garden, go to the gym, play pickleball, paddle tennis and also have a kayak. I’m an Extension Master Gardener (EMG) volunteer for Wake County through NC State University.

Wood, Alan “Woody” Posted: 11/1/2011 1:57:54 PM
Class of 1971

Alan assessing access roads for the new coffee farm.

Alan Wood (’71) was in Ethiopia during October with Engineering Ministries International. Their team of engineers and architects did the master plan for a new coffee plantation and a community center in a rural area of southwest Ethiopia. On the way home thru Addis Ababa, got to see his wife, Judy, who was in another part of the country with Lifewater International doing hygiene training.

Harler, Curt Posted: 8/19/2011 4:40:08 PM
Class of 1972

Dave Maile & Curt Harler

Dave Maile and Curt Harler met again (after 40 years!) at Ag Progress Days in Centre County on August 17. The reunion was due to chance…both were attending the Ag Progress Days Show for business reasons (hear that, IRS???).
Each of the past 40 years, Dave and Curt have exchanged Christmas cards and kept up to date with one another’s lives and careers. Dave is a crop consultant based in Erie County. Curt is a freelance ag and turf writer based in Strongsville, Ohio.

Jowyk, Eugene Modified: 5/3/2011 1:29:31 PM
Class of 1972


Retired early at age 55 from US Customs and Border Protection where I was a Program Manager in Agricultural Inspections. I’ve been an Extension Master Gardener Volunteer in Wake County with NC Cooperative Extension Service since March 2009. Other hobbies include biking, kayaking, gardening, shag dancing, square dancing, pickleball, table tennis, paddle tennis, wine tasting and chasing women.

Harler, Curt Posted: 8/3/2010 4:55:00 PM
Class of 1972

The Harlers and Woods enjoy lunch in Bratislava.

Alan Wood, 71, and wife Judy (right) spent several weeks in July touring Eastern Europe with Curt Harler, 72, and wife Margie. Here, they enjoy lunch at an outdoor cafe in Bratislava in the shadow of St. Michael’s Gate (background). They also visited Serbia, Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic.

Wood, Alan “Woody” Posted: 4/6/2010 3:32:54 PM
Class of 1971

Alan Wood (’71) spent 3 weeks in March in Laos building latrines with Lifewater International – had a pre-work visit to Bangkok. Last year, he was also in India with Engineering Ministries International rehabilitating a 100-year old hospital. Since retiring from USDA in 2008, he and wife Judy have enjoyed these mission trips to expand their international experience. In June, they will be cruising the Danube with Brother Harler and his wife, Margie.

Fowler, Charles “Chuck” Modified: 9/15/2009 2:34:01 PM
Class of 1975 

Now a Director at CALIBRE Systems, Alexandria, VA. Daughter Valerie graduated from University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing in 2003, RN, married to F22 Raptor pilot Tim Strouse and currently lives in Florida. Daughter Laura graduated from Penn State in 2007, 1st Lieutenant in the Army, deployed to Iraq, married to PSU (ROTC) alum Captain Cale Hamilton (also in Iraq). Wife Rita is a medical transcriptionist in Woodbridge, Virginia. We get back to several PSU football games each year – anybody else from the 1975 (plus/minus) time frame back for games? If so drop a note to [email protected].

Wood, Alan “Woody” Posted: 12/2/2008 2:52:26 PM
Class of 1971

Judy and I retired in June and have moved to a 55+ community in Cornwall, PA. We took a retirement trip to South America in July with Brother Harler and his wife. In Oct. we had training with Lifewater International – an NGO that we will volunteer with to teach sanitation and hygiene in developing countries. Please note our new address and plan to visit if in the area.

Wood, Alan “Woody” Posted: 10/14/2008 5:52:25 PM
Class of 1971

After 37 years with USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (aka SCS), I retired on June 30. My wife, Judy retired the same day as a school nurse. While waiting for our new 55+ home to be finished in Nov., we are visiting friends, and taking training with Lifewater International – an NGO we plan to volunteer with (that provide sanitation and hygiene training in developing countries).

Prescott, William Posted: 12/14/2006 4:13:32 PM
Class of 1979 

All is fairly well here. We had to curtail our traveling somewhat due to some health problems with Gail (nothing really serious). We did plan a trip to Nova Scotia by car and got as far as Bar Harbour, Maine. The next morning we were to drive onto the ferry to cross to Halifax, but Gail picked up some insidious bug and was in no condition to hazard any rough sea duty, so we decided to go home. Gail crawled into the back seat and fell into a sound sleep. Somewhere in Conn. I got off I-495 and filled up with gas, continued South and headed West on the Mass. Turnpike. About 20 miles along the way I got a phone call, ?Where are you?? Seems I left Gail back at the gas station. I expected to find a very unhappy camper when I picked her up, but she was just so relieved that my phone was turned on. We both had a good laugh. In our advancing years we?re learning to find amusement in our absent-minded foibles.

Ghidiu, Lillie Posted: 12/14/2006 4:13:32 PM
Class of 1978 

It was great to see updates from some of my classmates, so here’s mine. I’ve been married to Jerry Ghidiu for 22 years. He’s an Entomology professor at Rutgers University, at an experiment station in Bridgeton, NJ. I worked for FMC for 7 years as an Entomologist, sold real estate for 11 years, and now teach basic reading and math skills to 4th and 5th graders. We have a 15 year old son Michael, who just became an Eagle Scout. I volunteer with the Boy Scouts and PTA. My email address is [email protected]

Prescott, William Posted: 12/14/2006 4:13:32 PM
Class of 1979 

All is fairly well here. We had to curtail our traveling somewhat due to some health problems with Gail (nothing really serious). We did plan a trip to Nova Scotia by car and got as far as Bar Harbour, Maine. The next morning we were to drive onto the ferry to cross to Halifax, but Gail picked up some insidious bug and was in no condition to hazard any rough sea duty, so we decided to go home. Gail crawled into the back seat and fell into a sound sleep. Somewhere in Conn. I got off I-495 and filled up with gas, continued South and headed West on the Mass. Turnpike. About 20 miles along the way I got a phone call, ?Where are you?? Seems I left Gail back at the gas station. I expected to find a very unhappy camper when I picked her up, but she was just so relieved that my phone was turned on. We both had a good laugh. In our advancing years we?re learning to find amusement in our absent-minded foibles.

Gaut, John Posted: 12/14/2006 4:13:32 PM
Class of 1975

Still plugging away at Unilever (was Bestfoods until Unilever aquired Bestfoods a couple of years ago. Working in IT now (I’m a GEEK). Cyndy is working for Eisai, a Japanese Pharma Co. John is 17 and driving. Carolynn is 14 and loves horses, she wants to be a vet. Everyone is doing well, but Cyndy and I work too much! I’m still flying the Commander 114; flew the kids to Flordia for spring break and I went to an airshow.

Crouse, Michael Posted: 12/14/2006 4:13:32 PM
Class of 1974 

Married 6/29/02. Son Adam, 18 years old, is a senior at Hempfield High School. Attending Millersville University next year.

Harler, Curt Posted: 12/14/2006 4:13:32 PM
Class of 1972 

Leading a boring life. No awards. No accomplishments. Have successfully avoided arrest these many years. Still married to first wife (no other woman will have me). I write, since it beats working for a living. See details at www.curtharler.com.

Wood, Alan “Woody” Posted: 12/14/2006 4:13:32 PM
Class of 1971 

While considering retirement after 33 years with USDA, they made me an offer (I could have refused !!) – Six months in sunny Afghanistan! Starting July 25, I’ll be the ag engineer on a USDA team with soil conservationist, ag economists, vets, etc. to help with the reconstruction of Afghan agriculture. “”Til next year””.

Wood, Alan “Woody” Posted: 12/14/2006 4:13:32 PM
Class of 1971 

33 years after getting his BS at PSU, Alan Wood finally finished his PhD in Ag & Biological Engineering, also at PSU – maybe just in time to retire from the USDA !! If things go as planned, he may than be teaching in South Africa!? We’ll keep you posted.

Harler, Curt Posted: 12/14/2006 4:13:32 PM
Class of 1972 

Carl Hild (’72) and wife Vicki hosted me, my wife Margie and daughter Debbie at their home in Anchorage this month (Feb 06). Ironically, weather in Alaska at the time was warmer than in Cleveland by a good 20 degrees…forcing cancellation of some dog races. We had a blast, reminiscing about AZs, the Penn State Mountaineering Club, and generally catching up. Carl now is employed at the University of Alaska/Anchorage and working on his PhD. This comes after a trip to Antarctica in Dec-Jan (we figured we’d not have to unpack cold-weather gear). I’m still in Ohio writing. My 7/2/03 update still holds: I do lead a boring life.

Wood, Alan “Woody” Posted: 12/14/2006 4:13:32 PM
Class of 1971 

From July thru January, I’ll be in Kandahar, Afghanistan as part of USDA’s assistance with the reconstruction of Afghanistan. As an ag engineer, I’ll be planning and designing structures such as irrigation canals, storage dams, etc.- also been involved with getting tractors and windmills onto farms. Only sorry I’ll be missing Penn State’s return-to-glory football season!!

Wood, Alan “Woody” Posted: 12/14/2006 4:13:32 PM
Class of 1971

Happy New Year! My 6 month assignment with USDA tin Afghanistan is nearing completion – looking forward to returning to PA and family by mid. January. It’s been an interesting experience – as with most foreign adventure, it’s helped to put the world in perspective – other than from just the “”US view””. Had a chance to do some really unusual ag engineering!? Be sure to contact me if you’re in the central PA area

Henning, George Posted: 12/14/2006 4:13:32 PM
Class of 1971 

I was recently promoted to Associate Professor of Family & Community Medicine.

Burns, Dennis Posted: 12/14/2006 4:13:32 PM
Class of 1971 

Well, I have gone from being a chicken lover to a dairy cowman. I have left poultry science dept. recently and now work as a tech in dairy nutrition. I still moonlight with chickens occasionally. Family is all grown but oldest son is just graduating from PSU in fall. He needed to experience life a bit first. My wife, Mary and I are enjoying our two grandsons.