We welcome the newest members of the Morrill Chapter of Alpha Zeta. Click below and take a few minutes to get to know them.
PHOTO: Top row, from left: Austin Snook, Matt Hackenberg and Andrew Edwards; bottom row, Liz Prough and Sam Minor. Photo by Alli Hartman.
Andrew Edwards
Hometown: New Holland, Pa.
Major: Chemical Engineering
Future Plans: Work in pharmaceutical Industry
Why I joined AZ: I joined because of the connections I formed with brothers/sisters and the opportunity to further my experience in agriculture.
Favorite memory of Spring 2014: Blue and White Weekend
Samuel Minor
Hometown: Eighty Four, Pa.
Major: Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering
Future Plans: Hopefully get a job as a Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineer and work on gas wells.
Why I joined AZ: I joined Alpha Zeta because I am a legacy, and I like all the brothers who were part of the house.
Favorite memory of spring 2014: Finally getting initiated and being able to say I am a brother of same fraternity my grandfather was a part of.
Liz Prough
Hometown: Sterling, Va.
Major: Animal Science, Science Option
Future Plans: I plan on graduating college and either going to graduate school or obtaining a job in animal husbandry.
Why I joined AZ: I found a group of people with similar interests and career goals. Not only that, but I found amazing friends and a place that I can call a home away from home.
Matthew Hackenberg
Hometown: Orangeville, Pa.
Major: Animal Science, Business Option
Future Plans: Get a job working with animals
Why I joined AZ: The awesome atmosphere and scholarly environment
Favorite memory of spring 2014: Initiation