We’re planning a tailgate for the Oct. 22 game against Ohio State. Details will be posted in a Facebook event page. AZ alumni on Facebook can join the group by clicking HERE. Please contact Emily Caldwell ([email protected]) if you have any issues with joining or seeing the event.
The game starts at 8 p.m. Food will likely be served starting about 2 or 3 p.m. Location TBD but will likely be in the RV lot.
Please watch the event page for more specific details as the date gets closer.
Plan to bring some money for the pig ($10/person suggestion) along with a side dish or chips to share. Bring your own beverage and seat.
Mark “Attending” on the Facebook event page, or let Phil Haussener know you’re going by Oct. 1, 2016. Phil’s contact info is: [email protected] or (717) 823-3174.