Friends that have Lasted Lifetimes, All Thanks to Alpha Zeta

When we talk about Alpha Zeta, some of the first things that may come to mind are the connections that were made through your years as an undergrad. We recently reached out to our alumni brothers and sisters asking what those connections have meant to them over the years, read on to see what Frank Resides ’62 had to say. 

 Do you have any lifetime friends you met through Alpha Zeta?

Dr. Darrell M. Hoffman, DVM, Pre-vet ’63 is a life-long friend who I met while living in the House. Darrell was in our pledge class during my senior year. Although I liked Darrell, we did not get to know each other well before I graduated. In 1962 we went our separate ways, I to work for the USDA-Soil Conservation Service, Darrell to Vet School eventually, then 2 years in the US Army before beginning his career an a Veterinarian in southern Maryland, later moving to Chester County in the 1970s. We had no contact for over 20 years. In 1983 I was transferred from Massachusetts to a Regional Office in Chester, PA and in January of 1984 we moved to West Chester. One evening that summer, or was it the next, a pick-up came into our driveway and out stepped Brother Hoffman. As with anyone you haven’t seen for over 20 years, it took a few seconds for me to realize who it was. We had a nice visit and caught up on a lot of things. How he knew we were in West Chester, I do not know. That fall Darrell invited me to go hunting with him. He had gained hunting access to a 600 acre estate where there were a lot of deer. We have had many successful and enjoyable hunts over the years. Jane and I have stayed in touch with Darrell and his wife, Anne, by going to dinner together, attending cultural events in the area and the AZ Reunions at Yoder’s in New Holland. We regard the Hoffman’s as special friends that we have known for over 40 years.


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