Mark Lowery Updates on the Chapter

It’s been a while since you heard from us – and I’d like to explain what the alumni board and active chapter has faced in the last 12 months. In May of 2022 National Alpha Zeta informed the Morrill Chapter about concerns raised by a former member about the activities and conduct of the chapter. At that time, the High Council suspended the Morrill Chapter while an investigation was conducted in cooperation with the university and all relevant local chapter resources. A condition of our suspension prevented alumni communication until it was lifted. Throughout the process, the active chapter worked to reconcile any concerns, amend any policies out-of-date with national guidance and assure the High Council that the Morrill Chapter is a positive influence on students at Penn State and the broader agricultural industry.

While this type of situation challenges any membership body, I’m pleased to share that the Morrill Chapter’s members united to propel Alpha Zeta to greater heights of success! Immediately after being released from suspension in April 2023, the chapter reengaged a refreshed spirit and attitude of family and accomplishment. They hosted a traditional ‘Family Day’ event and placed both first and second in the Ag Hill Olympics! I’m sure a few readers have fond memories of competing against friends and rivals at that event.

We have many things to accomplish with your support. Thanks to your generous support, we were able to remodel the third-floor bathroom and plan to complete interior and exterior updates soon. Brother Keen has focused on gaining an exterior easement, 501(c)3 status, for donations used to maintain the historical appearance of our mansion. Join us to keep the tradition of Alpha Zeta strong – I boldly desire to make it the preferred residence of any leader in the College of Agricultural Sciences. Help us deliver on this mission and build the next generation of agricultural leaders.