Alpha Zeta on the Web

Your contributions are supporting the continued development and maintenance of a valuable communication tool-our Web site. The more you utilize it, the more useful and interesting it will be. Here are some ways that you can contribute content:

Share a photo-the next time you are reminiscing about your days at Penn State, go through your photo album and find some good shots of your Alpha Zeta friends. Post the photos yourself (or have your computer-savvy kids do it!). Look for your photos to appear in the next issue of the printed newsletter.

Submit a profile-our Web site has a feature that lets us keep up with our friends. In addition to sending in an update, go to the menu on the left side of the screen and select “submit a profile.” Answer the questions to let your Alpha Zeta friends know all the great things you’ve been up to all these years!

Update your contact information-if you’ve changed jobs, moved to a new city or just to a new apartment, we want to know! Use the alumni updates feature to make sure your information is current so that you never miss a mailing.