Alpha Zeta Sends Off 10 Graduates

Congratulations to 10 outstanding seniors. Find out what the future has in store for them.


Top row, left to right: Dustin Gates, Karl Yauneridge, Derek Wasson; Middle row: Colt Hoffman, Colton Schiever, Mark Zanella; Bottom row: Cassandra Curry, Rebecca Shaw, Taylor Young and Meagan Slates. Photo by Sara Kitchen. 


Cassandra Curry

Hometown: Linesville, Pa.
Major/Minor: Animal Science (science option)/Equine Science
Leadership Positions Held Within Fraternity or University: New Member Educator and Ag Student Council Representative at Alpha Zeta, PSU Quarter Horse Sale Chairman and Treasurer of Coaly Society
Proudest Achievement in College: Participating with PSU equine research and working with horses on campus.
Plans Post-Graduation: To enter the animal nutrition industry through consultation or research focusing on equine, pet or livestock nutrition.
Favorite Alpha Zeta memory: Getting to know my pledge class.
What is your fondest/funniest memory of life as an undergraduate Alpha Zeta? My fondest memory is my last official undergrad memory: walking across the graduation stage with a big group of AZ brothers and sisters. 

Dustin Gates

Hometown: Warriors Mark, Pa.
Major/Minor: Animal Science, Business Option.
Leadership Positions Held Within Fraternity or University: Censor and Caterer at Alpha Zeta, Barn Manager of Nittany Lion Fall Classic Sale.
Proudest Achievement in College: Being on National Champion Dairy Judging Team.
Plans Post-Graduation: To find a career allowing me to work with dairy reproduction and genetics.
Favorite Alpha Zeta memory: The 2012 Homecoming float with an “Anchorman” theme.
Why did you pick AZ over other Greek chapters? I picked AZ because it was a professional ag fraternity that would allow me to make many new friends and connections in the ag industry.
If you could relive one moment as an AZ, what would it be? I would like to relive the night that I was inducted into the brotherhood of Alpha Zeta.

Colton Schiever

Hometown: Harmony, Pa.
Leadership Positions Held Within Fraternity or University: Alpha Zeta Risk Management Rush Chair, Ag Student Council Treasurer and Dairy Science Club Cow Camp Chair
Plans Post-Graduation: Return home to the family farm
How has your experience as an AZ benefited you? Alpha Zeta gave me the best friends that I could ask for and has helped me get a job and other opportunities in agriculture.

Rebecca Shaw

Hometown: Williamsburg, Pa.
Major/Minor: Agribusiness Management, Minor: International Agriculture
Leadership Positions Held Within Fraternity or University: Alpha Zeta Rush Chair, Chronicler and THON Chair/Dancer
Proudest Achievement in College: National Intercollegiate Dairy Judging Champs
Plans Post-Graduation: Content Development Specialist with Cargill Marketing
Favorite Alpha Zeta memory: Costa Rica with brothers and sisters over 2011 spring break
Why did you pick AZ over other Greek chapters? Because of its ag base and current members at that time
What is your fondest/funniest memory of life as an undergraduate Alpha Zeta? I once was asked if I was the maid when I walked outside…. Ohhhh how wrong that is!

Meagan Slates

Hometown: Hickory, Pa.
Major/Minor: Agricultural and Extension Education
Leadership Positions Held Within Fraternity or University: Teach Ag Society President,  Alpha Tau Alpha President, National Teach Ag Ambassador, Coaly Society
Proudest Achievement in College: Being selected as a National Teach Ag Ambassador, I was able to work with the National Teach Ag Campaign at the National FFA Convention in Kentucky and talk with FFA members from across the United States.
Plans Post-Graduation: I plan to continue  educating students in the agriculture field by working in a high school agriculture department.
Favorite Alpha Zeta memory: I really enjoyed family day! It was always a wonderful experience to meet everyone’s parents and spend the day sharing stories.
If you could relive one moment as an AZ, what would it be? If I could relive a moment at Alpha Zeta I would attend another family meal. There was nothing better then having all of my brothers and sisters in the same place catching up over a fantastic dinner. It really gives the house that family atmosphere and was always an enjoyable time.  

Derek Wasson

Hometown:  Centre Hall, Pa.
Major: Animal Science, Science Option
Leadership Positions Held Within Fraternity or University: Athletic Chair, Scribe, Sergeant at Arms, Social Chair, New Member Educator.
Proudest Achievement in College: Graduating and chairing the Nittany Lion Fall Classic Sale.
Plans Post-Graduation: Get a job in the food animal industry, preferably on the dairy side.
Favorite Alpha Zeta memory: Every day spent on the porch swing.
How has your experience as an AZ benefited you? AZ has benefitted me by giving me lifelong friends and connections that I know I can rely on in my coming years.

Karl Yauneridge

Hometown: Portage, Pa.
Major/Minor: Forest Science, Urban Option and Minor in Arboriculture
Leadership Positions Held Within Fraternity or University: Alpha Zeta Recycling Chair
Proudest Achievement in College: Graduating
Plans Post-Graduation: Moving to Easton Maryland to work for Davey Tree.
Favorite Alpha Zeta memory: Too many to choose from.
How has your experience as an AZ benefited you?  My AZ experience helped me get a job.

Taylor Young

Hometown: Harleysville, Pa.
Major/Minor: Animal Sciences, Science Option and Poultry Science Minor
Leadership Positions Held Within Fraternity or University: Chronicler and Pledge Master for Alpha Zeta, President for the Poultry Science Club
Proudest Achievement in College: Receiving the Student of the Year at the annual USPOULTRY College Student Career Program, held in conjunction with the 2014 International Poultry Expo in Atlanta, Ga.
Plans Post-Graduation: Attending Veterinary School in the fall at Kansas State University to study large animal medicine
Favorite Alpha Zeta memory: Some of my favorite memories are the unorganized ones, when we all take a break and just relax on the porch or watch a movie together. It is likely that I will never again have the opportunity to be under the same roof with so many of my closest friends.
Why did you pick AZ over other Greek chapters? The co-ed factor is what really stood out to me.  I really enjoy that unique attribute that Alpha Zeta possesses.
How has your experience as an AZ benefited you? AZ has given me a family and home away from home. It has also taught me a lot about different areas of the agriculture industry that I had not personally been involved in.  Finally it has given me a group to network with across the country.

Mark Zanella

Hometown: West Sunbury, Pa.
Major/Minor: Animal Science
Leadership Positions Held Within Fraternity or University: Alpha Zeta Treasurer, Community Service and Philanthropy Chair
Proudest Achievement in College:  My GPA (I worked really hard on it)
Plans Post-Graduation: Return home to family business and farm
How has your AZ experience benefited you? Alpha Zeta benefited me by giving me a group of friends who are as close to me as family and I’ll have for the rest of my life.