Alumni At Ag Progress Days


Raechel Sattazahn ’07

About my involvement at Ag Progress Days (work-related):

I work for AgChoice Farm Credit, an agricultural lender in Pennsylvania, and we exhibit each year at Ag Progress Days. Ag Progress Days is a great way for our organization to interact with our customer-owners and others in the agricultural industry. The show offers such a great variety of exhibits, events and educational activities that people from across the industry attend.

At AgChoice, I serve as our Knowledge Center Director and lead our customer education efforts and programs for young and beginning farmers. We are especially excited to host some events this year at Ag Progress Days on Wednesday, August 17 specifically for young and beginning farmers. Details on these events are HERE 

Why I like Ag Progress Days (personal-related):

I personally enjoy attending Ag Progress Days to catch up with many AZ alumni and other friends from my college days. Each year, I look forward to seeing people who are attending Ag Progress Days as visitors and others who are representing organizations at the show.

 Other Random Thoughts:

Let’s hope for no rain during Ag Progress Days this year! As an exhibitor, there is nothing worse than a rain-out.

I am looking forward to getting a chocolate milkshake from the PA Guernsey Breeder’s food booth!

Jess Weyer ’12

“I am an Agriculture teacher at Cumberland Valley High school and every year we have a team compete in the Farm Safety Quiz Bowl. Students answer questions about general farm safety, animal handling and equipment usage. The top four teams will compete in the quiz bowl at farm show in January for the final round. The past two years we have had a team in the final four and we are planning to continue the tradition this year.”