AZ Reunion Recap

Thirteen Alpha Zeta Fraternity members met for the 2021 Fall Reunion at Yoder’s Restaurant in New Holland, PA on November 6, 2021. This event was started by the class of 1950 and has met 71 times according to Brother Bob Pepple, event chair.

Seated: Bob Hodge ’56; Bob Peppel “68; Deidre Hess ’11; Lynn Laudenslager ’64; & Darrell Hoffman ’64.

Back Row: David Poorbaugh ’67; Peter Witmer ’74; Art Keen ’68; Mark Lowery ’09; Mike Hess ’08; Carl Brown ’67; Alan Bair ’67; and Tom Tursack ’68.

Mark Lowery, President of the Alpha Zeta Corporation, updated the group on current house activities and future Corporation plans. The 2022 Reunion Luncheon is scheduled for November 5 at Yoder’s. Anyone interested in attending is encouraged to send an email to [email protected].