Bill Wentz ’68 remembers an unforgettable trip to the Gator Bowl

Bill Wentz ’68 ([email protected]) says, “During the 1967-1968 school year, Penn State was in the Gator Bowl in Jacksonville on the day before New Year’s Eve. A group of us decided to party in Daytona Beach for a few days before the game.” 

“I met Art Keen ’68 ([email protected]) in Lancaster the day after Christmas and we drove his MGB straight through from Lancaster to Daytona. This was before the days of I-95, and I think it took about 23 hours. We met Ken Moore ’68 ([email protected]), Jon Martin ’68 ([email protected]) and a couple of Kenny’s high school friends there.” 

“Funded like typical college students, we had all six of us in a motel room that cost $18 per night. Went to the grocery and stocked up on Busch beer and hot dogs. Cheap, but not highly nutritious (although I did learn later that beer is considered a food under German law).” 

“Spent the next few days doing some sightseeing and mostly clubbing.” 

“I remember a high-speed night drive on the beach in Kenny’s Mustang, which, by the way, he still has. See the picture below from his Facebook page.” 

“We smuggled a pipe cutter into the game, but security was too tight to get down on the field for the goalposts.” 

“We did meet some others at the game – I think I remember Bob Pepple ’68 ([email protected]) being there – not sure who else. I can say that a good time was had by all.”