We want to share a story with you. This story comes from a Penn State fraternity … a situation that took place in 2013. One brother had a daughter who was facing a very serious genetic illness. The best doctor available in the area was in Baltimore, but he had closed his doors to new patients. As often happens, this brother’s dilemma was shared by one brother to another and to another. Thanks to the efforts of one brother, the base of those who knew about this expanded, and the doors (literally) opened. This young girl was able to see the specialist she needed and begin her path to healing.
But there is a bit of a sad ending to this story. While the father of the girl did everything he could to thank his dear fraternity brother, there really wasn’t an immediate opportunity to see him face to face. He sent emails and made phone calls. Then, the opportunity presented itself. The chapter was holding its 100th anniversary, and he would certainly be able to offer a sincere handshake and personal message of gratitude. But that was not to be. A week earlier, his dear brother had passed away, and thus the opportunity was forever gone to really share his appreciation. Do you have anything you need to say to an AZ brother or sister before it is too late?
Do you remember those commercials done by Visa which pointed out things in life that are priceless? Our version would go something like this: Four-year degree at Penn State: $50,000. Cost of living at Alpha Zeta: $300/month. Value of having one of my fraternity brothers or sisters introduce me to my spouse and the father/mother of my three children: priceless.
How can you ever replicate the experiences and environment of Morrill Chapter? There are things that have happened at 360 N. Burrowes that could not have happened anywhere else. Belonging to Alpha Zeta at Penn State means being related to something that is beyond other relationships or affiliations.
So, here are a few things you can do today to make sure that time doesn’t run out before you let your brothers and sisters know what Morrill Chapter means to you:
- Send us an update to post on our website and in our next Morrill Messenger. Send your email to [email protected]. You may think, “Yeah, no one really wants to hear that stuff.” WRONG! This is how one fraternity brother was able to save the life of his daughter. Think big picture here and send us your news!!
- Help us expand the base of those AZ alumni receiving our communications. CLICK HERE to go to the home page and review the list of “lost” alumni … those for whom we are missing physical and email addresses. If you know how we can reach them, please contact us at [email protected]. Be sure to reference Alpha Zeta at Penn State. (Be assured that this information is utilized only for Alpha Zeta Penn State alumni relations and will never be traded or sold.)
- Call a brother or sister today. Let him or her know what is happening with you and find out what is happening with him/her. Make plans to return together for Homecoming.
- Help us financially support our ability to keep the house running and our alumni returning for Homecoming and other events. We have set a goal of 100 donors for our 2014-15 Annual Fund giving year. Currently, our Honor Roll shows 11 donors. Thank you to Henry Fortna ’61, Barron Hetherington ’75, Gordon Hoover ’79, Richard Kessler ’62, Dr. Joseph Kunsman Jr. ’60, Lynn Laudenslager ’64, Dr. Michael Mischna ’99, Lt. Gen. Donald Snyder ’57, Joseph Strittmatter ’73, Nate Ulmer ’13 and Jeffery Williams ’75 for your recent gifts. Please join them on our Honor Roll by CLICKING HERE and making your gift today. We want to see your name on our Honor Roll!
For some of us, our days at 360 N. Burrowes are years behind us. But in the words of Mary Schmich, those years made us who we are today. “Understand that friends come and go, but with a precious few you should hold on. The older you get, the more you need the people who knew you when you were young.”