Where Do We Stand?

As you open this email, we’re sure you have your preconceived notions: here’s Alpha Zeta with the same old spiel about why we need money. You’re sick of reading the same story OVER and OVER again. Well, this month, we have a very different story for you.

Picture this: if something happened to you, how would your brothers know? If not that, if the actives needed a repair quickly, how would the fraternity contact you? Or if you needed something, how would you know who to email? Not everybody keeps an up-to-date contact list for many brothers to be accessed at once.

Last Call: Donate To THON Today

Hello Morrill Chapter alumni:

Alpha Zeta needs your help! Please consider donating to Penn State’s Dance Marathon on behalf of the Morrill Chapter. We are Allison Hartman and Michael Rush, and we will be representing Alpha Zeta in this year’s THON. If you are unfamiliar with THON, it is an annual 46 hour dance marathon whose proceeds go to the Four Diamonds Fund at Hershey Medical Center, which benefits the families of children with pediatric cancer.

Update: We Still Need Your Opinion!

*UPDATE*: We’ve only had five responses! If you haven’t taken the survey, take it now!

The last survey we did was in 2007. That’s like going several years without actually planting a crop! Seven years later, we’re back to planting and cultivating! We would love to cultivate some of the answers from alumni!   

How Long Has It Been…

How long has it been since you’ve thought about Alpha Zeta?

Go on! Be honest. Anyways, whether it has been years, months, days, hours, or minutes, we would like to get your attention right now:

We’re like a family, as you may or may not be aware of. And like most families, we have a rock; something to ground us firmly in reality. This rock not only keeps us grounded now but secures our future.

Empowering the Dreamers

When you were five or six, what did you want to be when you grew up? An astronaut? A firefighter? A doctor?

We’re looking to February 20th, 21st, and 22nd and we’re chasing a dollar goal for the kids that have pediatric cancer. This year’s theme is “Empower the Dreamers” which is pushing and driving the kids that are sick to forget about their illness and chase their dreams.

We’re Cultivating Responses…how can you help?

The last survey we did was in 2007. That’s like going several years without actually planting a crop! Seven years later, we’re back to planting and cultivating! We would love to cultivate some of the answers from alumni!    Remember, telling us what you want helps us better determine our course of action for the […]

Happy Holidays from Morrill Chapter!

We take this opportunity to wish all of you a joyful and safe holiday season! We look forward to a Happy New Year and our Centennial Celebration in 2015!

Actives Begin THON Fundraising

Alpha Zeta’s THON fundraising year is off to a strong start. Events this fall included a birthday celebration for our AZ THON child, a benefit 5k and our first canning weekend. Click below to read more and to see a recently released video about our THON family, the Kemberlings.

We need your help!

Help plan the 2016 Centennial Celebration! We need your opinions today! March 2016 will mark the 100-year anniversary of the Alpha Zeta house. Corporation Board Alumni Relations Chair Joe Leslie and Emily Caldwell are leading an effort to commemorate this occasion. Save the date for April 23, 2016 for the event. Complete this quick survey to […]