As Seen on Facebook
Check out recent updates and photos from fellow alumni in the Facebook group: Alpha Zeta (Morrill Chapter) Penn State.
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Alpha Zetas Dance for a Cure
Alpha Zetas have been preparing for THON all year, from canning weekends and THONvelopes to spaghetti dinners and the first house “money jug.” In the end, THON 2013 raised a record-breaking $12.3 million for pediatric cancer research, exceeding 2012’s $10.6 million, and pushing the all-time total to over $100 million. That total made the entire 46 hours worth it for this year’s AZ dancers, Joel Smith and Rebecca Shaw, who also served as AZ’s THON chair.
“I’ve participated in THON since freshman year, and I’ve always aspired to be a dancer. It’s an honor to be given the position as the Alpha Zeta THON Chair,” Rebecca said.
Many generous alumni also contributed donations and support.
“We appreciate any and all support we receive from the alumni of Alpha Zeta!” Rebecca said.
What Do You Miss Most about Living in Happy Valley?
No matter how far away you are today, you share a great experience with 1,107 other brothers and sisters: getting to spend four (or more!) years living in Happy Valley. What do you miss most about living on campus? Share your story below or on the message board.
AZ Nativity Receives National Coverage
In December 2013, Alpha Zeta members will be showcased on the cover of Progressive Dairyman, a national magazine for forward-thinking dairy producers.
THON 2013 … Let the Dancing Begin
In celebration of the upcoming THON weekend (February 15-17), we reached out to several alumni who have been active in THON dancing and fundraising and asked them to share photos from their THON experiences.
Five Alpha Zeta Members Graduate
Congratulations to the following Alpha Zeta seniors for graduating in December 2012: Daniel Cardenas of Fort Lauderdale, Florida; Thomas Edwards of New Holland, Pennsylvania; James Howe of Oley, Pennsylvania; Derek Nissley of Lancaster, Pennsylvania; and Nate Oleniacz of Montrose, Pennsylvania.
Five Alpha Zeta Members Graduate
Congratulations to the following Alpha Zeta seniors for graduating in December 2012: Daniel Cardenas of Fort Lauderdale, Florida; Thomas Edwards of New Holland, Pennsylvania; James Howe of Oley, Pennsylvania; Derek Nissley of Lancaster, Pennsylvania; and Nate Oleniacz of Montrose, Pennsylvania.
Advisor Honored as “Member of the Year”
On January 16, Dr. Greg Roth was presented with “Member of the Year” honors by the Pennsylvania Agronomic Educators Society at their annual meeting, held in conjunction with the Agronomic Education Conference. Roth received his doctorate in agronomy from Penn State in 1987 and has been a professor in the Department of Crop and Soil […]
Annual Fund Update: There’s Strength in Numbers
They say there’s strength in numbers. We’re counting on you to help ours grow through your participation as an alum! Since our giving year began on September 1, nearly 70 members have donated $8,590 to our annual fund. That means we still have a way to go to hit our goal of $16,000. With your […]
New Legacy Joins AZ
Jordan Hoffman of New Ringgold, Pennsylvania, joined Alpha Zeta in the fall semester of 2012. Hoffman plans to graduate in 2014. He is studying business management with a human resource option and a minor in labor and employee relations.