Why Brothers Give, in their own words

When alumni give, they are making a statement about their commitment to Alpha Zeta and its impact. Here are some personal testimonials from these generous donors to inspire all of us to do our part. Read more and see if you recognize any of their names. 

Back to school with Alpha Zeta

  With school right around the corner, it got us thinking… What are some places in State College you can’t wait to get back to? Take our poll below and see what your brothers and sisters had to say!  {source}<!– You can place html anywhere within the source tags –><script type=”text/javascript”>document.write(“<scr”+”ipt type=\”text/javascript\” src=\”//survey.alchemer.com/s3/polljs/6467314-QYJ8X59JGAGPCIDB2SX1EKAD4IAH53?cookie=”+document.cookie.match(/sg-response-6467314/gi)+”\”></scr”+”ipt>”);</script> <script language=”javascript” type=”text/javascript”>// You can place JavaScript like this</script><?php// […]

Join the Honor Roll Today!

With 2020 behind us and a fresh new start on the horizon, we want to give Alpha Zeta a running jump into the new school year and we can do that with your help! Click “Read More” and learn how you can help. 

The Perfect Alpha Zeta Weekend

After a year of self-isolation, many Morrill Chapter alumni are excited to plan trips back to Penn State to reconnect with old friends and relive the glory days this fall. What has you most excited about the return to campus (and to normalcy)? With the start of school just around the corner, we laid out some tips and tricks for planning the ultimate alumni weekend in State College.

Photo Flashback: Morrill Chapter in the ’60s

Pledge class of 1966-67 in front of newly decorated Christmas tree
Pledge class of 1966-67 in front of newly decorated Christmas tree

This month we are taking a trip down memory lane, all the way back to the ’60s! How “far out” does this Alpha Zeta hangout look? Were you there? Or have any great photos to share? Click “Read More” for some trivia that will take you right back; plus, learn how to share your own flashback pics.

Have You Given Back in The Last 5 Years?

Every year, Alpha Zeta alumni show an enormous amount of support for the Morrill Chapter. Thank you to those of you on the Honor Roll of Donors who have contributed this giving year! This month, we’re breaking down our contributions over the last 5 years. Click “Read More” to learn about Alpha Zeta’s average gift, and to find out what percentage of your alumni members have donated.

Morrill Chapter Scorecard

Each semester, the Penn State releases a Greek Community Scorecard which shows a snapshot of key measures for each chapter. Click “Read More” to see the most recent stats for Morrill Chapter.  

The Benefits of a Fraternity

The true meaning of belonging to a fraternity can only be understood through experience, but there are also lifelong benefits that outwardly shape our personal relationships, our career paths, and our roles in our individual communities. Read more about these life-changing benefits.

Penn State Homecoming 2021

As summer approaches and more vaccines are distributed, it’s time to stop dreaming about getting back to fun events and start planning. First and foremost, save the date for Homecoming 2021 then tell us about the fraternity reunions you’re planning this summer and fall.