Morrill Chapter News

A letter from the Alpha Zeta Fraternity Morrill Chapter President, Daniel P. Wesdock on recent chapter news.
We, as the active Brothers and Sisters of the Morrill Chapter of Alpha Zeta, are proud to continue the long tradition of success and achievement within the College of Agricultural Sciences as well as the greater Penn State community. At the 2018 Greek Column Awards banquet, our chapter was commended for being one of the few fraternities on campus to receive awards. We were one of only two fraternities to meet all five Standards of Excellence metrics set forth by the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life in partnership with the Interfraternity Council. We also exceeded the metric in the category of Civic Engagement. I would like to thank last year’s Chancellor Chris Toevs and all of the people that helped make the last year so successful!

In addition, our efforts in this past year’s IFC Holiday Lights competition landed us in first place and once again returned the trophy to Alpha Zeta
We have participated in many philanthropy events throughout the year including a ‘Pet-A-Pooch’ at which we paired with Sigma Alpha Sorority and Center County PAWS to provide dogs for passersby to come play with. The proceeds of the event benefitted Heifer International, an organization that provides livestock to struggling communities.
Alpha Zeta Alumni for continuing the spirit of Fraternity and deep connection!
Daniel P. Wesdock
Environmental Resource Management – Soil Science
The Pennsylvania State University, 2020
Alpha Zeta Fraternity Morrill Chapter | 2019 President
Agricultural Student Council | 2019 Vice President