Chapter Report

(Dec. 2003)
Homecoming, Scholarship Banquet Make Fall Exciting for Morrill Chapter

By Andrew Flinchbaugh ’05, Chancellor

The fall semester has been very busy and exciting for the 41 undergraduate brothers and sisters of the Morrill Chapter of Alpha Zeta.

The brotherhood has achieved great success academically this semester. Alpha Zeta was well represented at the College of Agricultural Sciences Scholarship Banquet. Twenty-one Alpha Zetans received 36 different scholarships from the College this year. Alpha Zeta was also proud to have sister Lauren King as master of ceremonies for the banquet. Alpha Zeta continues its great tradition of leadership with many brothers and sisters being active in numerous clubs and organizations around Ag Hill. Many of these organizations are proudly led by Alpha Zetans.

Homecoming was a great success this past fall. This is always an exciting time of the year. We participated in Homecoming with Sigma Alpha, an agricultural sorority at Penn State. Our theme this year was the All-American Badger Roast. Sadly enough, Penn State did not pull out a victory.