Congratulations, Graduates Hoffman ’13 and Seipt ’13

Alpha Zeta graduated two young men in December 2013. Click below to learn more about their favorite Alpha Zeta memories and what the future holds for them.

Jordan Hoffman

Hometown: New Ringgold, Pa.

Major/Minor: Business Management, Human Resource option with a minor in Labor and Employee Relations.

Other Penn State Activities: Member of Professional Management Association, Sports Business, Penn State Student Chapter for Human Resource Management, Penn State Grange.

Proudest Achievement in College: Graduating early with a major and minor.

Future Plans: To get a job in the human resource field or the Pennsylvania State Police.

Favorite Alpha Zeta Memory: Dinner with the PSU President.

Why I Picked AZ Over Other Greek Chapters: My brother, James ’08, was a brother, and I remember coming to Family Day and instantly knew that I would to be a part of the house one day.

My Fondest Memory of Life as an Undergraduate Alpha Zeta: All the good times hanging out on the porch when it was warm out.

How My AZ Experience AZ Benefited Me: AZ helped me work on my time management when it came to balancing house activities around club activities.

If I Could Relive One Moment as an AZ: It would be winning the Ag Hill Olympic trophy again. We won it last year, and this year we were so close.


Tim Seipt

Hometown: Easton, Pa.

Major/Minor: Animal Sciences with a minor in Agricultural Business Management.

Leadership Roles in AZ: House Manager 2013 and Pledge Master Fall 2013.

Leadership Roles at Penn State: Nittany Lion Fall Classic Assistant Barn Manager 2012, NLFC Barn Manager 2013 and Spring Judging Contest Co-Chair Spring 2013.

Proudest Achievement in College: Graduating (but also the saddest, because who ever wants to leave?).

Future Plans: I am returning home to go into partnership with my parents on our dairy farm.

My Fondest Memory of Life as an Undergraduate Alpha Zeta: I would have to say it is the whole two years of my Penn State and AZ career. There was never just one thing that was my favorite. These were some – if not the best – years of my life so far. I loved every minute of it. As I said in my senior farewell speech, I wasn’t here for a long time, but I was here for one hell of a good time.

Why I Picked AZ Over Other Greek chapters: The decision to join Alpha Zeta was pretty much a no-brainer (as long as they decided to accept me). Alpha Zeta has been a home to my family for generations. I was the fourth generation of Seipts to be privileged to call it home, and now it will forever be my home. I knew that the connections and the friendships that were made at AZ will last a lifetime. AZ made my college career one that I will never forget, and for that, I couldn’t be more grateful.

AZ has helped shape me into the man I am today, and it is my hope to be able to give back to it, for we all know how much it has given to us. I came to Penn State knowing a handful of people and walked out with a family and a brotherhood for which I would do anything. All I can say is thank you, and it is my hope that as alumni, we continue to support AZ to keep our traditions alive so that the Morrill Chapter of Alpha Zeta will be around for many years to come!