Ed Squire ’70 Shares An AZ Practical Joke

“The prank took place in the wee hours of the morning that followed a spring formal. The dining room table and chairs had been moved out onto the side porch in order to create a larger dance floor.  The intention of course was to move them back into the dining room the next morning. The brothers anticipated waking up as usual and then setting about moving the tables and chairs from the porch and back into the dining room.

Unfortunately, this could not be accomplished so easily.  It could not be accomplished because we had stolen the chairs, not permanently of course, but we nonetheless had put them out of reach in a place that created some consternation on the part of the first brothers to arise the next morning only to discover that while the tables were still there, the chairs were missing–perhaps stolen. 

Too bad for the brothers, because we had multiplied the effort they would need to recover the chairs. For you see, we had suspended each of them from the  branches of a tree, much to the amusement of each passerby that Sunday-morning, who witnessed the strange sight of multiple oak chairs hanging like Christmas ornaments from the branches of a pine tree.”