Friends that have Lasted Lifetimes, All Thanks to Alpha Zeta

From left to right are Bryant Hlavaty, Matt Pavelski, Jeremiah Fearnley, Josh Hushon

When we talk about AZ, some of the first things that may come to mind are the connections that were made through your years as an undergrad. We recently reached out to our alumni brothers and sisters asking what those connections have meant to them over the years, read on to see what Josh Hushon ’03 had to say. 

Do you have any lifetime friends you met through Alpha Zeta?

My best friends from college are the guys from Alpha Zeta. They are the ones I work to keep in contact with and make sure connect with for a Penn State football weekend. Specifically, the guys in the photo above – Bryant Hlavaty, Matt Pavelski, and my pledge brother, Jeremiah Fearnley – are still brothers to me today.

What experiences brought you together? 

A shared love of dairy cows brought us together and is still a shared passion today! We all grew up on dairy farms and work in the dairy industry still. While in college, we spent countless hours talking cows, debating show results and talking college football.

How have you stayed connected since Alpha Zeta?

The shared love of cows and college football is still there today! I moved to Wisconsin after college and don’t see the other guys as often as they see each other. We usually run into each other throughout the year at different cow shows in Pennsylvania or across the country. In addition, a Penn State football weekend, or just texting about the game, is a frequent way we stay in touch.

What does this friendship mean to you?

This friendship is one of my most cherished keepsakes from Penn State. We went through the ups and downs together – both the things that seemed like a big deal at the time, and the ones that really were. I’m grateful those guys were there for me when I needed them most and I wish I saw them more often.


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