Gail Graybill DeStefano ’86

This brief Q&A interview is part of an ongoing series designed to help us get to know our brothers and sisters better. If you know a brother or sister you think would make a good profile candidate, send his or her name and graduation year, along with your name, to our alumni relations service: [email protected]. Be sure to mention that it’s for AZ PSU.

Why did you join Alpha Zeta?
I was impressed with the friendliness of the brothers, little sisters and the house’s reputation with faculty and alumni.

What are some of your favorite memories of the fraternity?
The little sister pledge process – getting close to a great group of diverse women. The theme parties – too many to name! Road trip to the 1986-87 Orange Bowl with Norma Lash, Dave Bratton ’87, Todd Holden ’86, Brian Harwick ’85, and Diane.

With who are you still in contact?
Nelson Rice ’87, Heather Hatt Graham ’86 and Brian Harwick and family – but not as frequently as I would like.

Tell us about your family.
I’m divorced and have a beautiful 3-year-old daughter named Sierra Renee DeStefano and a cat named Cleopatra!

What other activities were you involved in during school?
The Agronomy Club and NAMA. I was Ms. College of Agriculture.

What do you do for a living?
I have a career in operations and HR management. I’m currently a mom and owner/designer of Gail’s Sweet Creations – – a home and Internet-based desktop publishing business.

What organizations are your affiliated with?
Moms Club and church activities

What hobbies do you enjoy?
Doing anything with my daughter, antiquing, PSU football and traveling

What are your goals for the next few years?
Discern God’s will for my life. Share my faith.