Help The Alpha Zeta Charitable Trust!


The Board of Directors feels that now is the time to emphasize and increase the size of the AZ Charitable Trust.  As the cost of a college education continues to increase it becomes more important to support our actives through our scholarship program.

Currently the trust is able to award about $2,400 per year in scholarships. We hope to gradually increase this amount to at least $12,000 per year. 

To reach this goal we would need to increase the Trust by $200,000. The Board is also taking a more active role in managing the funds, hoping to increase the cash flow to four percent of the investment funds. Donations to the Charitable Trust are tax deductible and will be added to your Alpha Zeta giving total for the year. In our most recent issue of the Morrill Messenger, there is a tear-off portion on Page three to make your gift to the following address: “The Alpha Zeta Fraternity Charitable Trust.” and mail to Thad Will, 211 Brynwood Drive Port Matilda, PA  16870. Any questions, please contact Thad at [email protected]