(Dec. 2004)
The Latest News from the Board
By Arthur Keen ’68, President, Alpha Zeta Alumni Association
The annual College of Agricultural Science banquet was held October 12, 2004. Fifteen undergraduate brothers and sisters attended the event. Nathan Schanbacher ’05 was given the Alpha Zeta Lindley and Dorothy Dennis Memorial Award.
Andrew Flinchbaugh ’05 and Katherine Harwick ’05 were awarded the Alpha Zeta Fraternity Scholarship. In addition, Daryl Maulfair and Nicole Boyle received the Alpha Zeta Charitable Trust Awards. Alpha Zeta alumni in attendance were Roy Prescott ’58, Ed Fehnel ’54 and David Beppler ’53.
In your annual giving to Penn State University, donations may be directed to two Alpha Zeta sponsored scholarships: the Alpha Zeta Fraternity Scholarship and the Alpha Zeta Lindley and Dorothy Dennis Memorial Award. Also, tax deductible contributions may be donated to the Alpha Zeta Charitable Trust.
Our new scholarship chairperson, Chris Connelly ’99, did an excellent job chairing the scholarship committee. Also serving on the committee were Jessica Worobey ’04, Jeremiah Fernley ’04, David Beppler and Dr. Lisa Holden ’87.
We were too late in seeking bids to replace the slate roof on the house, so the job has been postponed until next year. In January we will seek bids to replace the roof, the side porch roofs and the railings.
When the university established the branch campus system during the 1950s and 1960s, the undergraduate chapter thought it would create a problem with rush. The students come to University Park with only two years remaining until graduation. Today, a higher percentage than ever of the University Park students get started at the branch campuses.
To help remedy this problem, the board is exploring the possibility of establishing a satellite chapter at the Berks campus (where there is an extensive agriculture program). The students would come to the University Park campus already as Alpha Zeta members. If any brothers or sisters in southeastern Pennsylvania would like to help with this project, please contact me.
I want to thank chancellor Tony Resh and the undergraduate chapter members for doing an excellent job during 2003-04. They have worked hard to improve the appearance of the house and the scholastic performance of the fraternity.
If you have any questions or comments concerning the fraternity, please contact me at 317 College Ave., Lancaster, PA 17603; by e-mail at [email protected]; by phone at 800-669-8795; or by fax at 717-392-0649.