Rutger’s AZ Alum Proud of the Reputation of Morrill Chapter

As a member of the Rutgers University class of ’44, I was honored to be inducted into the Cook chapter of AZ before being called into military service in December ’42. Upon returning from service in 1946, I was asked to assist in the reorganization of Cooh chapter and served in leadership roles during my remaining undergraduate and early grad student days at RU.

Once an AZ member, always an AZ member – and I’m proud to be one. As a staff member at PSU (1957 – 1983) I was in adult education (Extension Forage Specialist) and had limited contact with undergraduate students. One of my pleasant moments each year was a visit from new Morrill Chapter pledges seeking conversation. On a few occasions since retirement, I’ve had pleasant visits at home from AZ pledges, both young men and young ladies.

Obviously, I’m still Cook chapter and I often inform new pledges because they were not familiar with it. However, I’ve been proud over the years of the great reputation of Morrill Chapter on campus.

I continue to support my AZ fraternity nationally and while I am a very infrequent visitor to your house on campus, I continue to be proud of you and AZ and will continue to support your efforts to the extent that I can.

Keep up the good work.

Fraternally yours,

John E. Baylor