Traditions Gone but Not Forgotten

Happy Valley and Penn State are filled with long-standing traditions that will withstand the test of time. But there are other great traditions from days gone by that no longer exist. From the Phi Psi 500 to the Train Station Restaurant, we compiled stories of the places and traditions that are gone but not forgotten:


Gone But Not Forgotten – From
Alumni Remember Past Student Drinking Traditions – From The Collegian
                  (Be sure to check out this great video from the 1982 Phi Psi 500)
Spring Flings, Past & Present – From the PSU Alumni Association
University Traditions – From Penn State (many of these traditions are still in place today, but it’s a great read on how things like the Nittany Lion mascot and the “We Are” cheer were born)

What tops your list of traditions gone but not forgotten? Share them on the message board.