Slate Sale Update
The brothers and sisters of Alpha Zeta would like to thank everyone who participated in the silent auction. It was very successful and the winners have been very pleased with their slates. Slate number 1 sold for $650 to Mr. and Mrs. Funk from Lebanon, Pa, and we very much appreciate their contribution. We think these slates are an amazing opportunity for the alumni to get a piece of the house, along with a great way for us to raise money for pending house projects. We plan on using the money to make some general repairs to the house, like some furniture covers, new wall paper, and a few painting projects. We want to use the money to keep the house looking beautiful. There are 189 slates to be sold at this point (#11-199), all numbered. If you are interested in a certain number, it will be yours on a first come first serve basis. If you remember, from my last letter, slate 200 will be placed in the chapter room along with the amount that we raised from this fundraiser displayed on that slate. The price of the remaining slates will be $150 a piece, with a $20 shipping charge for out of state orders. Once they are sold, we will not be able to make any more as there were only 200 that remained after the slate was taken off the roof. This is truly a unique opportunity for the alumni, and I hope you all try and take advantage of it. If you are interested in purchasing one of the slates, or have any questions, please e-mail Joseph Leslie at [email protected].
Morrill Chapter Participates in THON 2008
Alpha Zeta participated in the Interfraternal/Panhellenic Dance Marathon this year. The chapter coupled with Earth House, a living option for agricultural students, located in North Halls. The active chapter participated in several weeks of soliciting donations by canning across the state. Each organization was able to send one dancer and Alpha Zeta was represented by Lisa Rankin. Lisa is a sophomore majoring in Agribusiness Management. The dance marathon is held for 46 hours in the Bryce Jordan Center. Penn State raised $6,615,318.04 for the Four Diamonds Fund to contribute towards pediatric cancer research. Alpha Zeta plans to increase participation in THON in the future.
Rush Events
The Morrill Chapter of Alpha Zeta is very pleased with our current spring new member class, and we attribute the number and quality of our new members to our rush program and especially our rush chairmen. BrothersShane Brenneman and Travis Book and Sisters Janelle Hartzell and Jessica Rose went above and beyond the call of duty to make rush candidates feel welcome. Just a few of the events the brotherhood engaged in during the rush period were bowling, weekly movie nights, bi-weekly game nights, and a Christmas formal. The brotherhood also has a Family Meal every Thursday evening and the event is often a highlight for many during the rushing period. The brotherhood will continue to have Family Meal on Thursdays and will try to host a few movie nights in order to continue to recruit new members for the fall.
The brotherhood of Alpha Zeta enjoyed our annual Family Day, which was held April 6, 2008. Brother Michael Woods prepared the meal for the afternoon, and Chancellor Mark Lowery gave a presentation about the house and our activities. Each year, the brotherhood is able to introduce parents, siblings, and friends from home to the Alpha Zeta family at Family Day. Everyone enjoys the wonderful meal, and families are excited to hear what AZ is up to!