If you could thank AZ for one thing, what would it be and why? This question is sure to pose many fond memories for you.
Think back to your time in Morrill Chapter. How would your life be different if you had never joined? Would you still have the same friends? The same significant other? Would you have had the same experiences? We alumni each have certain aspects of our lives that wouldn’t be the same without AZ. So, what do you thank AZ for? Here are some responses we got from fellow members:
Emily Caldwell ’09
“If I could thank AZ for one thing, it would be the friendships I gained. I think you’ll find this to be a common response among the alumni. While planning the Centennial, I was amazed at how close some of these pledge classes and graduating classes remain — some for more than 60 years! In my own circle, I’ve been blessed to be part of a group that’s remained in touch for seven years post-graduation. There have been AZ weddings, first homes, first pets and more recently, babies! I’m hopeful this circle of friends will continue to be close and see another generation of Alpha Zetans make their mark at Penn State.”
Dave Maille ’70 (With Curt Harler ’72)
“Great friendships! Some lasting many years and were strong enough to be in wedding parties in the earlier years.”
Carl Hild, PhD ‘72
“During pledging, we were instructed on how to dress keeping in mind the “gig” line of fly, belt buckle, and shirt buttons as well as to always carrying a clean handkerchief. When dressing each day I think of those basic rules. The handkerchief has come in handy on numerous occasions for others in need. When folded corner to corner it is a very good triangular bandage, like a Boy Scout scarf.
Thanks AZ for keeping me looking professional and being able to help others. Sometimes the little things become important in life.”