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Hushon, Jake Posted: 2/6/2013 1:56:47 PM
Class of 2005

After graduation I moved back to York County and for 3 years worked for Genex Cooperative and the Brown Swiss Association Classifying. In July of 2008 I moved to Wisconsin and accepted the Marketing Manager position at New Generation Genetics in Fort Atkinson. Bought a condominium 3 years ago and have enjoyed living life in America’s Dairyland.
Jake Hushon Ag Business 2005.


Will, Thaddeus “Thad” Posted: 8/26/2008 8:33:02 AM
Class of 1994 

Our second son, Nathaniel, was born June 13, 2008. My wife, Ellen, and oldest son Jacob (2 1/2 yrs. old) are also doing well. I am a commercial banker for M&T Bank, working in Altoona, PA.


Stauffer (Baxter), Marlene Posted: 1/31/2012 10:27:24 AMClass of 1982  Marlene Baxter Stauffer ’82 (126 Old Mill road, Barto, PA 19504; [email protected]) I work at Blommer Chocolate Company in East Greenville, PA. I am married to Brook Stauffer and we have two girls, Jordan, 21, a junior at Penn State and Haley, 15, a sophomore in […]


Wood, Alan “Woody” Posted: 6/5/2013 6:57:15 AMClass of 1971 Our 1st grandchild, Katie Q. Denne, was born Feb 7th, 2 days before Alan left for a mission trip to Niger with Engineering Ministries International. Their team designed a flood wall to protect a school on the banks of the Niger River. Goebel, David Posted: 11/15/2012 […]


Criley, Richard Posted: 12/4/2012 3:49:10 PMClass of 1962 The Class of 1962 and their wives gathered at the Nittany Lion Inn at the end of July to celebrate 50 years since graduating. We reconnected over meals, visited the old House (disappointed in how it was being maintained), went out to Whipples for the memories, and […]


Kresge, Conrad Posted: 5/8/2012 8:02:38 AMClass of 1953  I visited the Morrill Chapter on October 13, 2009 and toured the house with a young brother-nice! I am enjoying retirement in sunny Arizona; reading, golfing, walking, and reminiscing. Markland, Francis “Frank” Posted: 1/31/2012 10:24:44 AMClass of 1957 Frank Markland ’57 (2804 Elm Avenue, Manhattan Beach, CA […]



Cairns, John Posted: 3/3/2009 3:40:43 PMClass of 1944 When I turned in my annual report to Virginia Tech I was surprised to see I had 1589 publications with 4 in press and 2 in review.The 4 in press were just published and the 2 in review are now in press ; total 1595. It is […]