Alpha Zeta raises a substantial sum for THON

March 6, 2006

Your brothers and sisters at Alpha Zeta raised a substantial sum for THON. This came from tireless work and dedication to those less fortunate. The brothers and sisters of Alpha Zeta have distinguished themselves once again.

Tailgating Central

August 2006
Tailgate, tail-gate, noun. definition: the perfect chance for you to spend time with brothers, eat great food, drink beer and watch a football game

Greek Life gets a Make-Over at Penn State

July 2006
Greek life at Penn State is experiencing a major renovation. The birth of a campaign entitled “Greek Pride: A Return to Glory” has brought about many changes for the Greek community including a new set of standards and a Chapter of Excellence award. “Animal House” copycats are no longer the norm as chapters struggle to meet standards and raise money.

President’s Report

(Dec. 2004)
The Latest News from the Board
By Arthur Keen ’68, President, Alpha Zeta Alumni Association

Officer List

(Dec. 2004)Morrill Chapter Alumni Board PresidentArthur Keen ’68717-392-3917 (H)800-669-8795 (O) Vice PresidentAlumni Relations ChairRoy Prescott ’58717-737-9460 (H) TreasurerEric Bengston ’75814-231-0105 (H) SecretaryMatt Flinchbaugh ’02717-252-2074 (H) Building and Furnishings ChairAaron Harpster ’96814-692-4591 (H) Scholarship ChairChris Connelly ’99(814) 466-6272 Advisory MembersNeil Gingrich ’49814-364-1307 (H) Glenn Haney ’51814-466-6001 (H) David Morrow ’56814-237-5858 (H) Charles Rutschky ’43814-238-0957